Code backups
We use 2 types of source code backups, the first one is Github and the second is our network of distributed servers around the world where the last version of your code will be securily stored
Data bases backup
Databases are backedup in 3 phases. first backup happens in the database instance and is done at least 3x per day, secondly those backups are encrypted and sync in 3 locations, Frankfurth Germany, Kasterlee Belgium, and New Zeland
Cloud instances backups
All our paid instances, have a weekly backup that can go back 4x times during the month, allowing us to restore a machine in full back in time.
Servers backups
Our hardware policy is with redundant servers ready to take over in case of disk or ram failure.
Digital backups
All our digital media files are backed up in Amsterdam, Kasterlee, Frankfurth and New Zeland
Code backups policy
Step by step
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- Before writting any line of code a repository at GitHub is created, or clone it from the repository provided by you.
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- A complete development environment is created from the production environment, so our developers face all the time the same conditions than the production phase, this environment is backed each 7 days with a history of a month
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- Each time that our developers made a change, without test, they are obliged to push the version into GitHub, where each change is recorded into a full version of the entire code
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- The instace has an rsync where the code is append on each change in 3 different countries and 2 different continents.
Database backups policy
Step by step
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- At 05:00 CET Time a full data base backup is made into the local database server
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- At 12:00 CET Time a new full data base backup is made into the local data base server
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- At 23:59 CET Time The last daily full data base backup is made into the local data base server
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- Around 2 AM the backups are distribuited via the peer to peer local network in 3 places: Frankfurth, New Zeland and Kasterlee.
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- Around 2 AM the backups are distribuited via the peer to peer local network in 3 places: Frankfurth, New Zeland and Kasterlee.
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- A full month of chronical backups is stored in our archives.
Backup Locations
World wide